As a response to a card effect that heals damage, Elrond can heal an additional point of damage from that same character.
You can spend resources from Elrond to play allies from any sphere.
Elrond hero card (Lore sphere, Noldor, Noble), 3 spirit, 2 attack, 3 defense, 4 hitpoints, and adds 13 to your starting threat. On the good side, there is a Mithril Lode deep below, as well as some powerful Dwarven artifacts. The new cards include some of the Nameless Things that even Gandalf was loath to speak of (they steal cards from the top of the player decks and add the card cost to their attack power). 29 Encounter deck cards for use in the new scenario (it also uses some of the encounter deck cards from Khazad-Dum). The party encounters Durin's Bane (the Balrog of Moria) as they near the eastern exit it can't be defeated by arms, so you eventually must send it crashing into a pit if you want to win the scenario. The adventure pack contains 60 cards to add to your game (you must already have the Lord of the Rings Card Game Core Set to play), including : 3 double-sided Scenario cards for the Shadow and Flame scenario. The scenario requires the Khazad-Dum expansion to play. Template By Froo! Shadow and Flame Lord of the Rings LotR Living Card Game Adventure Pack LCG Shadow and Flame Final adventure pack for the Dwarrowdelf Cycle of the Lord of the Rings living card game (lcg) New - factory sealed Free Shipping in the US The new cooperative card game based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings has been a big hit so far, and now the sixth and final adventure pack of the Dwarrowdelf cycle has been released.